Saturday, April 13, 2013


Dua minggu yang lalu, jalan - jalan bersama keluarga ke Ciwidey. Ke kebun Teh Walini dan Kebun Sinumbra. Pemandangannya sangat indah dan menyejukkan mata. Dimana-mana hijau.

Two weeks ago, we went to Ciwidey, about one hour drive from Bandung. We visited tea plantation of Walini and Sinumbra. The scenery is so beautiful as could be seen in below pictures.

Indah sekali kebun teh ini, seperti karpet.
Beautiful tea plantation, like carpet.

Bunga ungu ini termasuk bunga liar.
I picked up some wild flower.

- Pingkan -


  1. this is amazing! great scenery!
    I haven't had an opportunity to see tee bushes. Yet ;)


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