Saturday, January 26, 2013


Tanaman ini amat cantik. 
Nama tumbuhan ini Hanjuang, spesies Cordyline fruticosa (L.) A. Chev.
 Daunnya berwarna hijau-merah-pink dan bunganya kecil berwarna putih-pink.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Coaster (small doily)

I'm trying to make a simple coaster with my own style.

- First make 6 ch and slst to first ch.
- Circle 1: ch 3, make 11 dc. ( 12 dc).

- Circle 2: ch 4, dc, ch 1, dc, repeat until the end of the circle (12 dc)

- Circle 3 : ch 6, dc, ch 3, dc, repeat until the end.  (12 dc).

- Circle 4 : ch 8, dc, ch 5, dc, repeat until the end of circle ( 12dc)

- Circle 5 : slst  2 times (so that it locate on the center,
                                     ch 7, sc on the third stitch of ch-5 loop, repeat.

- Finish



Saturday, January 12, 2013


Menyusuri perkampungan di Bandung Utara.

Kebun daun bawang dan selada bokor

Bunga liar yang cantik